Monday, September 04, 2006
Episode 9 > Riding on the Freeway
Click to Listen
To download the emergency info card mentioned on the show, click here.
Next Show: Picking up a dropped bike
Labels: commuting, freeway, highway, motorcycle, safety, tips
:: posted by Shiny Side Up team, Monday, September 04, 2006
Any chance of getting the podcast in mp3 format?
, at
I too would like to have an mp3 version. I note that I can't get this episode via iTunes.
, at
Hi everyone, sorry for the inconvenience. You should now be able to access the mp3 version.
If you click on "click to listen" located right under the title (Episode 9 > Riding on the Freeway) you should be able to download the mp3 file.. or just listen online. I have posted a more direct link to the mp3 for people who may have been having trouble accessing the old one. If you wish to subscribe in iTunes to have shows automatically downloaded to your computer, there is a link in the sidebar on the left on the main page. Please let me know if you still have problems accessing the file.